My heart is sick with worry and I'm turning to my ferret friends for
Please include a prayer for my sick Tenaka, our joy for the past year and
half.  He has two huge tumors growing and our vet thinks that it most
likely is (how I hate that word!!) *Lymphoma* She doesn't give me much
hope. ;~(
My heart is all twisted and this is going to be a hard and long weekend
for me and Harvey.  I know we will be faced with that hard decision, to
let him go or not.
He had double adrenal surgery before he came to us and never stopped
having a leaky bladder.  That has meant at least a couple of sittings
every day in warm water to safeguard against urine burns.  My sweet
boy--he took this so patiently and never failed to give mom a kiss, as
to say: "thanks mom, that felt good!"
This was such a treat for me since he was not a big kisser other times.
It always took a lot of *bribing* to get one from him but then he also
knew that if he didn't give me one, *mom was going to plant one
He is a big boy and was always eating like a horse and then would clean
up everything the others left.  He is our *give it to Mikey, he'll eat
it!* boy.;~) So, when he started to leave half of his gravy in the bowl,
I knew something is ailing him.
We were even weighing Vena Cava Ligation for him if he got worse but not
till then.  We were told that his right remains of adrenal tissue was
causing the leakage and the only thing left was *Vena Cava Ligation* But
again, only a last resort.  Now this will not be an option anymore.
Since about week , I noticed that his bladder was leaking continuously,
so, to the vet we go for X-rays.
Two huge tumors and not given much hope!  It is just breaking our hearts
I'm just so glad that we had this past time with him and I could give him
all the love and care, cuddle and kisses that I could muster.  I don't
want him to leave me , not yet ...but I wont be selfish either.  All my
kids have this promise * I will not let them suffer*
This is why this is such a hard decision.  Do we go in and remove the
tumors....give him that chance, only to give him another month?  After
probing and prodding yesterday, he was in pain all evening.  I would
definitely not let him go on like that.  The vet gave me some pain
relieve for him and he had a good night.  This morning he's wobbling
around the house much better but is not eating but what I feed him from
my finger.  The tumor is pressing on his stomach and he wont be able to
eat large amounts at one time.He cant go on like that either.
I'm just not a person to give up hope so fast.  Could it not be, that if
the tumors were gone, it would relieve a lot of pressure and he could be
with me for another year?  I have already talked with the vet about
letting him go on the table if she sees no hope for him.  So far, there
is no definite proof of lymphoma, that's why I try to justify sending
him to surgery.
I will feel guilt if I do- and I will feel guilt if I don't.  I'm sure
so many of you have been in that awful situation.  Just how many times
can a heart be broken?  Can I stand this 20 more times?..  Not without
help from my ferret friends.
Thank you truly for your prayers!
The One whose Motor Runs On Ferret Kisses
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The One whose Motor Runs On Ferret Kisses
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[Posted in FML issue 3934]