Condolences to those with lost, sick, or angeled rice rompers...
(*Rice* box?  This *ain't* a litter box???)
On Various topics:
1) To catch a weasel:
Just turn everything off, except one light and lay on the couch,
pretending to sleep.  It may take a while, but no ferret can stand dead
silence for long.  They will come out from wherever they've successfully
hidden themselves and even climb up on you to check your heartbeat (to be
sure you didn't die or something).  You then do the SwoopSnatchGrab and
they're done!
2) Taxidermy and Herbs:
No idea why someone would want to "preserve" their herbs.  Just let the
things dry out normally.  Better yet, go to the store and by the dried
versions.  Taxidermy is useless on herbs.
3)  Food Issues:
Get a parrot cup from the pet shop.  It consists of a ring that you screw
onto the cage and a cup that sits down in it.  Get a size that fits,
though you *can* use a large bowl and just put in as much as he eats.
You don't *have* to fill the bowl all the way up.  I found this option to
be great for putting a water bowl in a cage with "flipping" ferts.  They
flip everything.  I'm sure that if they were to catch a bird, they'd flip
that.  When there isn't anything to flip, they flip each other.  Loads of
fun.  Just push PLAY and get 15 minutes of laughs!
4)  Fishing with Tazzy:
No, you can't go.  You'll make too much noise, you'll lick the fish and
none of you know the first thing about building a campfire.  Besides,
you'll eat all of the marshmallows before the fire is even started.
5)  Ephedra debate:
The FDA is now considering banning Ephedra, due to numerous deaths and
other physical complications.  I took an Ephedra-based suppliment for
two months.  Almost died from heart complications.  My ferrets found the
bottle, knocked it off the desk and pee'd on it.  As I said before, it
seems that 'Ferrets Just Know', so I'll accept their decision.
6) Stuffy has improved a great deal! :)  He is back to eating adequate
amounts of his food (I've finally be able to get him to eat it even when
mixed with another brand--Gerber's) and he is starting to gain weight!
His hips are no longer thin, he is starting to use the litter box again
(though he still has the occasional 'accident') and he comes out of his
cage to romp around during playtime! :)  I have also added .4cc of
prednisone twice per day, 1/2cc of Benadryl (children's version) and 1mg
of melatonin to his diet.  He doesn't approve, but when was the last time
you saw a ferret with a college degree? :)  Yeah, I know, 'Ferrets Just
Know', 'cept, I'm certain he is senile!
7)  About that "Koo'nah" name:
Actually, I think she confuses your ferts with that "Hakunah Matata" song
and she is really referring to that little critter in "The Lion King"
movie.  That's what the men and women wear over there.  Just smile and
make sure your ferts don't break out in song while she is there. :)
8)  Fuzzy Hide-Away:
You may not know this, but they can tell when you don't have your camera
with you.  They all pose as cute as they can, then, once you run to get
your camera, they "unpose" and hide again.  The only way you'll get them,
is to wear your camera around your neck.
Ok, y'all can go back to your regularly schedules FML.  I've got a teeny
little Jessica-ferret climbing my leg.
Todd and the Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns
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[Posted in FML issue 3934]