Chocolate Moose: "Gimme that fishing pole, you munchkin!"
Zipper: "Are there any ferret-size fishies around here?"
Chocolate Moose: "Yeah, they're called minnows."
Zipper: "Tazzy, if I push Moose into the water, can you fish him out?"
Tazzy: "If you two don't behave, I'm calling off the whole expedition."
Chocolate Moose and Zipper: "No, don't do that!  We're having fun.  As
long as we don't get wet."
Tazzy: "Just keep your life jackets on and everything will be fine."
Zipper: "Say, how come Tazzy wasn't wearing a life jacket in that ferret
calendar photo?"
Chocolate Moose: "He was posing for the photo.  Nobody ever looks SAFE in
an action photo.  How would it look if Rambo made a movie demonstrating
how to operate the safety latch on his machine gun?"
Zipper: "I think we need some more ferrets on this expedition.  Then I
would have someone ELSE to talk to besides you."
[Posted in FML issue 3933]