Thank you Bill for allowing me one last response to this line of
discussion.  That's the great thing about the FML... it is a place where
people can discuss issues openly.  And it is because of this, we as a
community can learn from the mistakes and heartbreaks of others to become
better shelters and rescues for all ferrets anywhere in the world.
Dear Lorraine:
It is fair to say that when we stub our toe, that anything that comes
even remotely close to it hurts.  What I am trying to say here is that
even though you may perceive my words as bashing, it may simply be that
you are sensitive to the issues brought forth to this listing because you
are sensitive to the issues that plague your shelter.  But realistically,
as a shelter or a rescue, our responsibilities don't get to be pushed to
the side or left out of a discussion because we may not like what we have
to, and need to hear.
Other people on this list are not aware of "personal" issues between FRES
and the AFS.  And frankly, they don't need to know.  And it has nothing
to do with this case.  Each shelter at this point and time is trying to
do what they can for the ferrets, and they are doing it in the manner
that each sees fit.  The Alberta Ferret Society has been in operation for
5 years and continues to reach out to all parts of the province of
Alberta, and beyond.  We take our volunteer work very seriously, and so,
when issues arise that involve your shelter, excuse me, rescue, of course
it affects us too.  It affects all ferret shelters and rescues.  Just
because we happen to be in the same city doesn't mean the issues remain
here.  People move, have families, have friends, have work places, have
group activities, as I am sure you are aware, and when they have a bad
experience, you had better believe that they are more likely to share
their bad experiences than their good ones to anyone that will listen.
And that is what happened in this case.  I didn't relate either how much
more this woman had to say about your shelter either.  We all know that
personal feelings can affect a person in a particular case.  I kept all
of that out of the discussion and instead, focused on the main issue
instead because that was more pertinent.
Our responsibility to this woman didn't end because she dealt with your
organization instead of ours.  We have a responsibility to the community
and to all present and future ferret organizations to make sure that this
situation is isolated and does not become the norm.  Our organization
feels a deep dedication in helping those in need, regardless of whom they
dealt with before coming into contact with us, or which rescue they dealt
with either.  Our job, as I see it, is to make a better place for all
Lorraine, I did not mention the shelter in question by name because, to
my recollection, they have never mentioned their location in their
previous posts.  Now, because of your post, they do.  I left their name
out as it was not the focus of the discussion... only that a situation
had come out of the actions of a particular group.  So, no dodging there.
It's great that you have chosen to enlist your services to this rescue.
I'm sure you are a valuable member to their team.
I also chose not to mention the name of the woman because that too, was
not necessary to the discussion.  I am not a person known for spreading
lies, rumors or gossip, and so I chose to get to a solution to this issue
by bringing it up for discussion, for I am known more for my compassion
and my search for the truth.  And isn't that how we all learn to become
better shelters and rescues?
As a ferret rescue operator, I have to weigh the information brought to
me.  I personally don't look at people who come to us in need
automatically as liars and spreaders of gossip.  As I did with this case,
I looked at what the woman was trying to say behind all of her anger,
pain and resentment.  I saw a core issue and brought that forth because
that is really the main gist of this discussion.  And that again, is all.
If you wish to continue this discussion with me off list, I encourage you
to do so as I would look forward to it.
Many great people have been persecuted on the way to find the truth... I
am happy to stand along side them.
best regards,
Betty Janner
Dedicated to ferrets... everywhere since 1985.
Manager of Calgary Operations
Alberta Ferret Society
Specializing in ferret education and rescue since 1997.
[Posted in FML issue 3932]