>This thread has nothing to do with having anything "against" your
Considering other posts you have made and questionable statements you
have been quoted in the press here as having made it is a fair assumption
that you are antagonistic towards FRES.  You dodge the accusation that
FRES is the organization you are criticizing by not referring to them by
name, but since there are only two official Ferret rescue groups in the
Calgary area it is very blatant to some of us who you are referring to.
And just to get technical for a moment, FRES is not a shelter -- it is a
ferret rescue group that organizes (amongst other things) a fostering
program.  I am not directly involved in the fostering program, but I do
attend FRES events, I have worked with some of their executive and
consider them friends, and I also donate time to them where I can.
>In the meantime, this woman will relay her "version of the story" to many
>individuals.  As she tells her version of things, she may end up dropping
>who she is talking about which may start confusing people into believing
>that it is our shelter she is talking about.
The "version" of the story you have posted here is not consistent with
any issues that I have heard about FRES dealing with recently.  I will
not engage with you in a race to the bottom by getting into a hearsay
debate.  The only person who is spreading this version of the "story"
(and without names of either the woman or the ferret(s) it is strictly
speaking a story) is you.
So your version of damage control for the Alberta Ferret Society is
to post an unsubstantiated story about another organization on an
international public forum?  Tell me how that is constructive?  Even if
members of FRES executive are hesitant to deal with you personally, I'm
sure someone else within your organization could have made some inquiries
on this woman's behalf if she was uncomfortable following up on her
concerns herself.
Perhaps the most constructive thing you could do is to think about how
what you post or state publicly potentially damages your own
organization as much as it might damage another.
Be well,
[Posted in FML issue 3931]