[2-part post combined.  BIG]
Hi Bob ~
There are some problems here in your post.  Some things are turned upside
down.  I hope I can present them clearly for you.  This is not in any way
meant to be as a slam, but since my first love is teaching I don't like
to see these mistakes out.
I ADD: In the manufacturing, a working "Remedy- not a drug" is made from
parts of a plant .  Most remedies contain the whole plant, but some are
made from parts of plants.  The primary medicinalconstituent we want is
in the herb.  However, when the whole plant is used, the additional
constituents contained in the plant generously serve as "buffering
agents" which drastically lessen unwanted side effects.  When the
pharmaceutical industry makes a remedy it takes the medicinal constituent
"out" of a plant, and, destroys the full value of the plant and creates
what we know to be side-effects.  "Buffering agents" and other plant
parts are disguarded during synthesis of the plant.
>dosage (leaf, pill, whatever) has NOTHING to do with the biochemistry of
>the chemical agent that causes the desired effect.
I ADD: I think it does if done right.  If you do not eliminate the other
medicinal constituents of the plant (there are lesser ones),is becomes a
viable remedy and able to help.  If the dosage has nothing to do with
it...how can an herbal remedy be as effective as it is today.
>Aspirin is aspirin because of its molecular structure, NOT because it
>was made by Beyer or found in the bark of a willow tree.  There are a
>number of obtuse and misdirected people who can't understand the basic
>concept that a drug is defined by the exact structure of its parts, NOT
>from its source of origin.
I ADD: Okay here you are trying to fit the paradym of Allopathic medicine
(AMA) into a mold for natural medicine.  Allopathic medicine and natural
medicine are two very different theories: allopathic medicine seeks to
aleviate the symptoms; natural medicine seeks a natural remedy to retrain
the body to take over for itself and heal.  It works at the "cause" of
the illness.  Many people do not understand that natural medicine only
seeks to come up with a remedy to stimulate the body at it's causative
site to repair itself and to attain homeostasis.  After that is
accomplished the remedy is withdrawn.  In no way are our remedies called
"drugs." Natural remedies are made very differently from allopathic or
AMA drugs.  "Drugs" are often synthesized and made from parts of plants
yes, but there are additives in them also.  These additives can also
cause side effects.
>by labs, and some that haven't been adequately studied to understand
>their exact composition, but that in no way changes the fact that (grain)
>achohol is EXACTLY the same compound regardless if it is distilled in a
>lab by scientists, or fermented in beer by yeast.
>The use of the word "herbal" is a synonym for "drug," but for the
>uneducated, it sounds benign.  That is extremely dangerous.
I ADD: We were asked to change our sign from "Natural Pharmacy" to
"Conley Farm Herbs" because the pharmacy board said I was not dispensing
drugs.  Only pharmacies that dispense drugs can us the word "pharmacy." I
asked who gave them the right to take a word from the dictionary, etc,
etc...but we did change the sign.  I repeat "Herbs are not drugs in any
way shape or origin."
You said:
>The deeper point is herbal medicines, if effective, are based on
>compounds that are generally known and used in mainstream medicine.
>One major difference is that modern
I ADD: Right here, however a responsible practitioner will have a copy of
the GermanCommission E, commissioned by ta-da - The German Govt.  It came
out in 1999 I think.  It was commissioned by Germany to test herbs for
safety, and the book is a compiled result of their testing.  It includes
all safety issues known at the time of testing.
The book I refer to tonight (in the rest of my post) is a text for a
nursing school textbook publisher (Mosby, Harcourt & Brace).  I am their
Herbal consultant and they generously gave me credit on page 2.
I think your facts about herbs probably came from a med school that is
very down on drugs.  Actually one can get a fair assessment of these
wonderful remedies by studying them in an herbal school; not just a
course in med school, taught by AMA people.  Plus you have to see the
herb in it's habitat; feel the herb; and work with it to fully understand
even a bit of it's mystery.  And 2,000 years of Chinese medicine can't be
wrong; neither can the remedies produced by the indians which allowed the
colonists to thrive.
You said:
>One major difference is that modern medicines are regulated to dosage
>and purity, but herbal compounds are not.
Not true.  It's not only picking the right remedy; it's picking the
right dosage.  And purity.....well....sha.....I grow my own; make the
remedy or the flower essence; and only my hands touch these in a sterile
environment.  And here I can put the intention into the remedy as well
as the energy.  The utensils, bottles and jars are always sterilized.  I
imagine those suppliers like "Nature's Way", " Solgar," etc would be
shocked at your remark.
>A more important difference is modern medicines are tested to determine
>correct (equals safe and effective) dosage, and possible side-effects
>are determined and reported.
I ADD: Not true.  It's not publicized but every month we'd have to remove
3 or 4 drugs from our shelves because of attributed deaths.  Ref: diet
drugs which caused heart valve problems; viagra which was rushed in too
soon and has caused 4 deaths by now.  Each month it's a different drug.
HRT for women is the worst.  Now it's being re-evaluated.  I had patients
in their 80's taking it at the pharmacy at great cost to them.  I took
herbs for 2 years, am through menopause and not on anything and feel good.
>Such side-effects were NOT well known regarding ephedra, and 81 people
>have paid the ultimate price of the lack of understanding.  They are
I ADD: Warnings about ephedra went out 6 years ago when I started at an
AMA pharmacy.  It's been known for a long time, but the govt just didn't
get it out, hoping natural med. would be blamed.
There is so much good information out on herbs right now from their
growing; manufacture (which is contained in my course); the remedy making
process; and safety issues in books and tapes, etc.  Unfortunately now
some of the med schools have come on board and much erroneous information
is being taught.  It's a shame for this kind of erroneous information to
be disseminated.  I would recommend either reading books by Matt Wood;
David Hoffman; my buddy Dr. Jim Duke; Michael Tierra who teaches Chinese
Medicine; or Susun Weed.  All of which have dedicated their lives to the
correct dissemination of herbal information.  You just set them back
about 100 years.
Warmly ~
Mary L. Conley, N.D.
M.S. Natural Health, Herbalist
The Conley Farm & Learning Center
Mystical Forest Children's herbs
Online courses
The Conley Farm - organic herbs
Online Classes ~ [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3931]