Hello all
>This is totally appalling and I think that if enough of us ferret owners
>got together and wrote Ebay about this sort of thing we could get
>something done.  <snip>
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1866268364>
I sent the following email to both the seller and to eBay:
Dear seller:
I am writing to express my feelings regarding your Ferret Taxidermy
auction.  I find it to be incredibly distasteful, and I would ask that
you reconsider listing this item.  I am sure that you would not auction
a puppy or kitten taxidermy.  Ferrets are domesticated animals and are
considered beloved pets by many people.  It is hurtful and saddening to
those of us who love ferrets to see a beautiful little ferret displayed
in such an awful manner.
Thank you for your consideration,
Regina Hart, a fellow eBay member
[Posted in FML issue 3930]