Hey FML'ers;
Thank you so very much for the cards and emails.  I really appreciate
your thoughts and prayers.  Peanut is doing well.  She ate as soon as i
put a bowl in front of her on Saturday; which is when she came home from
the vet!  I has very happy to see that!  She is perky and starting to act
like her old self again!  I have to admit; even though its for her own
good to be seperated from the others; it makes me sad to see.  I can tell
she misses the ferret companionship & sleeping in her hammock; cuddling
with the others and hates being cooped up in her "pen".  It just stinks
because I can't do anything for her.
Off on a tangent....THANK YOU...THANK YOU...THANK YOU...
It really means a lot to Peanut and I that you all took the time to wish
the best to another in our community.  Thank you so very much
Peanut & Lisa
P.S. I will keep you posted on Peanuts recovery!
[Posted in FML issue 3930]