>From:    tina haynes <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Biting.....is Mouse picking on Fuzzy or playing with her????
>We got 2 ferrtes together, Mushi(female) and Mouse(male).  We later got
>Fuzzy, another female, from a friend.  They all get a long great but
>sometimes I will see Mouse grab her by the neck and try to drag her off
>somewhere.  She doesn't struggle or try to fight him off, she just lies
>there and lets him.  But it looks babaric to me and frightens me...
Hi Tina,
This is very natural behavior.  I wouldn't let it worry you unless there
is screaming and poop flying.  My older one's did this with a kit for
awhile.  Tried to stash him in the hidey hole.  When I would separate
them the kit would come flying back for me.
Hawk & Patrick,
Salem, Faye, Bandit, Bowser and Bailey the ferts
Pyewacket the cat
and Smokey the African Grey
and introducing Azriel the grey haired, green eyed kitten.
Blessings to all animals great and small and those of us who love and
adore them.
[Posted in FML issue 3929]