The "WORKING SMART" discussion is getting bogged down somewhat here in
the FML by thinking in terms of just one situation, instead of thinking
ahead to the future.  That is only taking us in unproductive circles.
             Let's move FORWARD into talking about
        ***** WAYS to work smart in the future *****.
We have gotten bogged down in things that aren't going to get us
anywhere, aren't going to accomplish anything... Let's pull our feet out
of the mud and create pathways!
Here are some ways that have been mentioned so far (There are more.):
1. learning what legislation exists and how to implement it.
Examples include getting Alicia's working packet for how the sale age
laws were changed in NH, and also using the resources at (animal welfare act) and (fed. regulations and more), and and and (hoarding and how it hurts animals).
2. Finding out from existing humane groups which of your area's
politicians are most likely to help with such legislation, and which can
teach you how to best work within the existing legal structures.  Some
local ones will know, and so will some of the major ones that often bring
legal cases: ASPCA, AHS, HSUS, etc.
3. Working to create a friendly and cooperative interaction with your
area's major humane groups, animal control, and your state's government
branches that licence or supplies permits.  This can best be done with
friendly and helpful approaches.  (Think cooperation and create the
routes to move toward that.)
Okay, WHAT ELSE WORKS?  We have the ability to brain storm here.  We have
the ability to find ways to improve conditions and to then go ahead and
actually improve them.
It has been done, so it can be done again.
Please, use the subject: ***** WORKING SMART *****.
Alicia, please, post your packet that teaches how to get legislation
Dick, you had a useful packet when folks were legalizing ferrets.  I
expect that parts of that also may work for other legal changes.  Perhaps
you have an update?  If there is such an "animal" could you tell folks
about how to get it?
Anyone else who has had success have a "How to" packet out there?
Wanted to be discussed here:
- Tips that do or may work!
- Ideas that do or may work!
- Things that worked for other animal efforts!
- More people who had success and can give us tips!
(Please, when possible, differentiate between concepts that may work
and ones which have worked.)
Since this is an effort to get folks to think past the single issue that
has folks getting nowhere -- if you have advanced other ideas or want
repeat things that work, emphasize things that work, or explain things
that work, go right ahead.  While it is true that some won't work in any
given situation or location, OTHERS WILL.  Let's get cracking!  The FIRST
STEP is to find what CAN work.
[Posted in FML issue 3929]