I'm not sure what you have against FRES (Ferret Rescue and Education
Society) who you are obviously spreading confusing rumours about.  Other
than the fact they have chosen to work separately from your organization
I do not understand why you have an issue with them or why you need to
throw innuendo about well meaning people.
If you have only one side of the story why are you making this public
post without making further inquiries?  Since I am familiar with the
executive of FRES and have dealt with them both personally and
professionally I take issue with you casting about unsubstantiated
rumours.  Everyone I know associated with FRES is working very hard to
build a quality foster program here in Calgary and none of them have any
desire to get into a mudslinging contest that will only serve to make
both the Alberta Ferret Society and FRES look bad.  Or do you feel that
by demeaning another group you can make your own organization look better?
One thing that is certainly false in your post is the "change your mind"
period of time FRES has in the written contract that they have all people
surrendering ferrets sign.  The person surrendering a ferret to FRES is
granted 48 hours to change their mind after which they have to pay an
adoption fee if they wish to reclaim their ferret.
Everything else in your post is negative conjecture and hearsay and
really does not deserve a response.
Lorraine Miller
proud supporter of FRES
[Posted in FML issue 3929]