Bonnie wrote:
>Subject: Oh My Petey Wuv!
>Oh!  Oh!  OH!!!  I gott a dem thingie called a wuv letter!  And I got
>foamie fries and Chew Weasles!  All you udder jills be jealous cause MY
>PETEY (mine, mine,mine, not gonna share wid ya!) sent me a wuv letter!
>As soon as I can get my hooman's to go away, I send wpne back.  Dis is
>true wuv.
>Bonnie (sends kisses to her Big Handsome Boy Petey)
But the old Blues Women know....
"Women be wise:  Keep your mouth shut!  Don't advertise your man!"
Or some little hussy will be sneakin' behind your back, girl!
* * * Reiki Distance Healing * * *
For You and Your Animal Companions
[Posted in FML issue 3927]