<Alicia wrote>
>As for your comment" look at the whole Jen Morrision deal... Animals
>lots  of them lay DEAD in their cages, most so sick they couldn't stand
>up  etc..  and this was witnessed by a lot of people.".... I cannot
>begin  to tell you how ferret community has caused the outcome of this.
>Hat,  emotional letters DEMANDING the atty, prosecutors etc to take an
>action  will only cause this type of reaction.  You MOCK they system
>with  disrespect.  While I too was upset that the punishment did not fit
>the  crime- we caused the whole thing to happen.  The ferret community
>cannot  act like rednecks and expect any respect from local justice
>systems plain  and simple!  While we have this mentality there will be
>no justice for  ferrets- they will be a mockery and WE AS A WHOLE need
>to understand  that.  The fact that NO witnesses ever make these
>inflammatory overstated  cries and please is another issue all together-
>we hear third hand,  fourth hand and fact get distorted.  The emotional
>pleas get overblown  and facts get blown out of proportion.  I have
>received several reports  that the reports we received via this list was
>NOT accurate rather  overblown and reactionary - say what to this?  Were
>you there?  - did  you see?
Standing ovation Alicia,!!"
I could not have said this better, and it needed to be said, to many
people, want to help so much and so fast, and most of these disasters
are in critical states and require quick response, and those who help at
these times and others should be applauded, no crime of animal cruelty
will ever get the proper punishment in my eyes, its a cowardly act to a
defenseless animal.
I don't think there is a day that goes by that I don't see a yahoo group
or message board run with the keyboard, it seems they go faster then
their brains, (example), they see an animal for sale on e-bay, yes
against policy and also in a lot of ways wrong, then you see them run to
the key board send them nasty e-mails telling them their "opinion" and
then the auction is removed and then they sit there happy then in the
same breath say- " I wonder what will happen to the ferret now" well
now we will never know, will we!, there are a lot of people out there
thinking they are doing the "ferret community" a service by posting some
things and making accusations of acts that they get off the rumor control
mill, that is hurting the ferrets also, try sitting and thinking before
you act, that would be more helpful to the ferrets and legal system then
taking you keyboard and stating what you think are facts, no judge,
District Atty, wants to here from someone behind a keyboard or phone that
lives 3000 miles from a situation with there assumptions of what they
think happened or what they think should now happen I mean really, think
about it ,, do you really think that you screaming from the top of a
building across the country with a keyboard in your lap makes you heard
because you know more about ferrets than a judge or DA, no sure does not,
so next time you see an auction on E-bay, you want to see it off E-bay,
BUY IT!!!  or throw some honey on yourself and just inquire some
information on the ferret(s) and see if you cant help get them re-homed
and give a small donation to help the person out, or here is something
even better, the animal is not abused being on E-bay so leave it be,
what's the difference between E-bay and the newspaper, I will tell you,
well with E-bay the ferret listing will at least get seen by people
knowing about ferrets, the newspaper will get seen by people knowing how
to thumb through it sipping morning coffee, nothing irritates me more
then people throwing themselves all over something they think will make
them a better person cause they got it to disappear, People get away with
murder everyday of human life, why is it so hard to except the fact it
happens in animal cruelty, it does!  and the more you people post the
chain if events of court appearances and how we are on the look out for
so and so and get on the keyboard express, you have just weaken the case
and leaves the judge to throw it out, and who is to blame, the "ferret
community": all the time spent on the Internet chasing after people you
have not witnessed the crime of is time you can spend chasing and
wrestling with your kids or animals.    Alicia, god bless you for taking
a stand and saying out loud what people usually only think, or say under
there breath because it goes against the grain, and do n't want to get
famed by the holier than thow!!
[Posted in FML issue 3927]