I have had to think about and digest what i have read recently, and want
to express my thoughts to all.
What i have read regarding your posts, and what we have emailed one
another about, regarding ferrets, those of our own, and or others
including GCFA, ferrets, has always been a positive issue, with us.  IF,
you hadn't been posting to THE FML, regarding GCFA, i probably WOULDN'T
ever have even known it existed.  That could equal to 100 or so give or
take a few, ferrets, that would have lived their lives on the outskirts
of my very own little world, with wants and needs, for me never to be
able to fullfill.  AS it WAS, your posts/and pleading for help, initiated
me, to arrange a work day, that i may have the afternoon off, with no
work obligations, to make that trip south, to a city, that i hold in
fear?  I couldn't have done it alone, and my loving husband took on the
responsibility to make sure we arrived there safely, even after getting
turned around and lost (goodness knows where) for nearly 3 hours in
Chicago, i think we were east, when we should have been west, we were on
the right road, just ...discombobulated?  (sic) , directions ... is all
i can say, i know i still will not attempt that trip alone...tooooo far,
and tooo scarey.  My husbands car broke down 3 days later...goodness,
knows there must have been angels abound that day, for we took home with
us Bubba and Buddy, that evening, thanks to Norm...The boys are doing
very well, Bubba was on a seek and destroy mission for about a week, but
after some motherly counseling...we finally worked it all out.  Bubba and
Buddy are loved, equally, as well as the one who has been with us the
longest...there ARE NO FAVORITES IN THIS HOUSE, but for my FAVORITE,
BUBBA, my FAVORITE BUDDY, or my favorite by any other name.  THEY all
know they are my favorite :-) just as long as i don't confuse the names :-)
Myself, i think of ALL those prescious ferrets at GCFA, shelter now... a
few in particular, because ... well, they just stood out to me, but they
are all thought of sincerely.  Given the finances, i WOULD HAVE ADOPTED
them ALL, and spoiled everyone of them rotten, for all that they have had
to endure by their surrendering other human animal.  I may have confused
some of the names, as i was reading them from the tags on cages, not by
confusing emails between Lisette and MYSELF.  We were so lost and so late
getting there, that we had little time before we really had to be back on
the road.  My husband was also suffering with a sinus infection,
requiring antibiotics, which he forwent that day to get to the doctor to
recieve them, to drive us to CHICAGO, GCFA.  He was in a lot of PAIN, but
he knew how important this trip was to me.  I am grateful for the husband
that i have, and for the last 14 years we have had together...
Lisette, you HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE in Bubba and Buddys life and for that
they wish to SAY "Thank YOU, Auntie Lisette" and for the other 20 or so
ferrets, would they have been able to find loving homes if not for your
Many regards Bubba & Buddy, 2 former shelter ferrets ...and their mommy
Donna and daddy Dan Christen :-)
[Posted in FML issue 3922]