Hello all ~
I thought I would share Miss Jazzies case with you, so that you can see
how flower essences work.
I got Miss Jazz from a pet store back in May of 2002.  I was told she was
a Marshall farms ferret.  At the store she came bursting out of her case
and ran right up the handler's arm.  (The handler is my son's friend who
stayed the summer at our farm).
She came home to us at 7 weeks of age, and spent the summer just
adjusting to a large cage in my room; and a large cage outside, plus a
harness and grass and violets and running, oh the running, and Barney,
our new adopted cocker spaniel.
I had been warned "she is a biter" but I thought I could handle that.
Well after a few months of having my hands used as her personal crunching
area I gave up.  Also I am on a low dose of coumadin that I take with
herbs to keep my blood from clotting after strokes 2 years ago.  (Do not
do this yourselves).  I am always concerned about bleeding.  I loved
Jazzy but we had to do something.
I'm not sure if the biting is due to no training, or some insecurity
"Play with me", so I decided to change behavior in layers, if there were
any.  I first picked a remedy to "produce bonding with the caretaker..."
- Cosmos.  It is on the list I sent out last week.  It helps to establish
psychic bonds on a one-to-one basis and is taken by both animal and
Next I added Chestnut Bud - which instills effective learning patterns;
helps to retain training, and not repeat mistakes.
Then I added Snapdragon - for animals who bite.  This formula will take
care of the initial layer of biting and not feeling close to me.
I reversed the formula and used 6 drops of the snapdragon (those tiny
bites hurt); Then 4 drops of Chestnut Bud; and 4 drops of the Cosmos.
Each day as I change water bottles I add 4 drops per bottle.
It is standard not to see a change much before 7 days.  We are on day 8.
Results: Jazz has stopped biting down and applying pressure to my fingers
and legs about 80 percent of the time.  Instead she has learned to gently
take my finger in her mouth and very lightly place it between her teeth.
She accompanies this by licking.  She does not bite after licking.  She
seems much closer to me and now spends time with me on my bed, or the
floor just rubbing up my leg, or walking around me.  She will play with
my fingers.  Most importantly she now lets me pet her head (she would not
let anybody touch her head before), and stroke her body.  She now
tolerates this for up to 5 minutes.  She still will not snuggle, but will
sit in my arms for up to 30 seconds.  She tolerates kisses to her head
and fur, and gives me kisses back.
We will continue with this layer until Oct. 20 and reassess at that time.
Warmly ~
Mary L. Conley, ND
The Conley Farm - organic herbs
Online Classes ~ [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3922]