[log in to unmask] writes:
>THEN...I got a call from the dentist...my appointment is tomorrow.  Have
>I told anyone that I have an irrational fear...traumatizing fear of the
>dentist....and I have to go tomorrow.  I think I will go get drunk...
Awww Gail it sounds as if you had a horrible day...here are some
homeopathics I always use for dentistry:
Aconite          Used for: fear of treatment/surgery
Arnica           Sore gums; soreness after an extraction or after surgery
Calendula (as a mouthwash)   Used for:  pain after treatment; healing
                             after deep scaling; canker sores.
Chamomila         To recover from needle injections
Gelsemium         If you are apprehensive about treatment; trembling;
Hypericum         Helps nerve pain after drilling; root canal work;
                  tooth extraction
Ledum             Puncture wound from injection site sore after 24 hours
Phosphorus        For excessive bleeding; used after full anesthesia to
                  antidote aftereffects
Ruta Graevolens   For deep aching or "dry socket"
Homeopathy is the science of giving a person just a tiny bit of an herbal
remedy that has been potentized.  It will propel the body to make it's
own recovery from that bit of remedy (sort of like a vaccination).  I
never go to the dentist without using homeopathy.
Do not use St. Johns Wort before surgery.  It will antidote the
nerve-block anesthetics that dentists use.  Do not use Arnica or Aconite
BEFORE either, only afterwards.  Follow directions on the bottle and
always let your dentist know you are using a homeopathic remedy.
Caffeine, mint, chemical smells and sunlight will quickly antidote a
homeopathic so do not use these within 24 hours before or after a remedy
is taken.
Warmly ~
Jazzy - Hey mom..why can't I walk on your 'puter keyboard meo098nelus...
The Conley Farm - organic herbs
Online Classes ~ [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3925]