Ok, silly question time.  Just how big should a ferret be?  Here's the
scenario.  Kiki, my first ferret, is about 1.5 y/o.  He is lean and
muscled but has a pudgy tummy.  Brownie, my second ferret is 10 mos
younger than Kiki.  He is huge!  He outweighs Kiki by 2 lbs and is much
much bigger.  He plays hard, but doesn't seem to have the muscle tone of
either of the others.  It takes two hands to hold him.  He has a roll of
fat from his neck to his tail.  Then there is Little Bit, my rescue baby
and number three.  Also only female.  She is about the size of the kits I
see in the pet store.  They all have access to kibble when ever they want
it.  Brownie doesn't seem to eat more than the others.  Little Bit eats
more than Brownie and Kiki put together.  I feed Iams kitten food about
a cup a day for all three.  (more if the bowl is empty before bed).  So,
how big is a ferret supposed to be?  How do I get Brownie to shape up
with out taking the other ferrets food away?  Putting him in a separate
cage is not an option.  They all three through a major fit.  I can't even
take just one out with out the others howling, or at least giving me the
"sad ferret" eyes.  (irresistable).
[Posted in FML issue 3952]