I had told my boss there was a possibility that I would be late today
because my ferret was at the vets.  When I got to work, She asked about
her.  I explained about Noodles problem with her liver, adrenal, etc.
She asked how much all that cost...I told her.  ($300 in the last week
and a half, and about $650 in the last 3 months on vet bills)  She said
the most cruel and cold-hearted thing..."why dont you just put it to
sleep?"  I swear I had tears in my eyes.  A few other people asked about
her...they said the exact same thing.  My other boss said "you know you
could have fixed your car with that much money!"  I told him that there's
a difference between a life and a machine.
Now I know that most people at work didn't understand and probably never
will, but Granny (she's 76 and still works :)) Said "how many 18 year
olds would rather spend four paychecks on their pet...they wouldn't
they'd put it to sleep and buy a stereo."  I told her that when I took
in ALL of my ferrets that I had a responsibility, and that they depended
completely on me and If I neglected them in ANY way that I didn't deserve
to have them.  If it means spending 5 paychecks to keep my fuzzies happy
and healthy I'd do it...Even my mom understands..she told me that it's my
money, and if I think spending it on an animal is worth it, then they're
very lucky.
The vet didn't get a chance to do the blood clotting and (liver biopsy?)
today, because of the overwhelming of sick animals, but Noodles is going
to stay overnight (free) and she'll do it tomorrow.(well actually today)
I'll give you all an update in the next list.
-valerie, mojo, buckie, noodles, kokie, and rosie
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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~*`~*`FERRETS RULE~`*~`*
[Posted in FML issue 3951]