I just wanted to thank everyone so very very much for all of the lovely
cards and emails I received regarding Noel's passing.  It really means a
lot to me.  I printed them all out to save in a file.
I am traveling for business right now, so I have very little free time.
I will try in the next couple of weeks to respond to everyone personally
but it might not be until after I get back home (Nov. 7th).  I was
working yesterday from 4:30 am through 9:00 pm!
For anyone who is interested about the biopsy results on all the pieces
they removed from her....
Pancreas - cancerous
Adrenal - cancerous
Spleen - cancerous
The doc actually said that what she had - splenic plasma cytosis - is
very unusual for ferrets.  He said it was actually bone cancer that had
metastisized (sp?).  So she was a pretty sick little girl.
Even though we lost her, I am glad we did the surgery to find all that
stuff, otherwise she may have suffered along for months in pain.  At
least now she is whole and healthy and feeling good.
Thanks again, everyone!  The FML is great peoples! ;-)
Aileen & the Herd
Take care, my precious Noel, we'll miss you.
The Ferrets: Toby
The Dogs: Rootie the beagle, Tank the GSD/basset, & Sarah, the beagle
Still missing Slinky, Gizmo, Kyle, & Sandy. We love you.
Check out the Herd's website at: http://www.geocities.com/anippy
[Posted in FML issue 3951]