...a 7 month old boy!
Bonnie--Hey Minxie luv, coem the the fence so we can talk!
Minxie Luv--What's up old wise mistreess of the poop?
Bonnie--STOP CALLINR ME OLD!  I will kick your butt from here to the
Minxie Luv--Gotta catch me first!
Bonnie--hush, or I won't tell you the gossip..
Minxie luv--Tell, of tell oh beautious one!
Bonnie--Mommie brought home an Island Boy!
Minixe--Is he a surfer?  Can he make cool tropical drinks?  Does he rub
oil on us?  Feed us raisins all day and fan us with palm fronds?  Does
Bonnie--An island ferret....
Minxie luv---OH!  Even better!  Is he cute?  Doe she have a tan?
Bonnie--Don't know yet, but I bet TImon will knwo..he knwos everything..
Timon--<<YAWWWN>> Of course I know everyting.  I am the Wise Sage of
Ferretdom...This young buck, he is a swashbuckler.  Cmae in and dnaced
all over the floors.  He is lookign forward to meeting you, but really
wants to meet his new family.  So I am here to announc that he has
arrived!  However, he won't tell me his name that his wrong owners gave
Minxie Luv--wrong owners?  How can there be wrong owner?
Bonnie--Silly chit!  You had a wrong owenr, so did I!  Now we ahve the
RIGHT owner cause we be da specailist ferrets!
Minxie Luv--Yeah, I be da specialist at being evil MWAHAHAHAHA!  Oh, I
know..special ferrets!  We are home forever and ever now..but dis new
boy..what was his wrong name?
Timon--Don't laugh or teashe the boy!  He is young and
impressionable...It was....Sponge Bob Square Pants.
Bonnie--<snicker>  Oh, that's bad.....
Minxie Luv  HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Oh Sponge Bob......
Timon--<grabs Minxie Luv and shakes her like a dead sock>  Be nice!
Mommie said no ferrets are allowed to be caled Sponge Bob in this house!
So, he has no name or now, beside "evil ferret, give me back my...and
devil child, get out from under that..."
--Minxie Luv, Timon, and Bonnie
representing: Gloin, Gimli, Willow, Fox, Bad Beron Bear, and Clyde also
representing the fosters: Snickers(2-3 yr old male), Mischief (3 month
old male), and unnamed raisin hunter (7 month old male)
Want to adopt an exotic?  Need help to place one?  Go here:
[Posted in FML issue 3922]