Quick note: The Fuzzie Photo of the Week is at  No "s" in
there.  OK, I'm a moron...but I was all excited 'cause my little Bitsy
won!  (Be sure to scroll down the page past the adorable pic of Bandit.)
She is also getting the same pic published in a coffee-table type book
soon.  I'm SO proud of her!
Bitsy- "I told you I would make it onto the coffee table some day!"
Jeepers- "Let me know what it's like up there, huh?"
Question for BIG: Will there be an 'advertising' FML for this holiday
[Moderator's note: It's a little late for it, but OK, let's do it.  I'll
send a formal post, hopefully tomorrow.  BIG]
I just got a brand new Ferret Freeway.  (A 20' long clear tunnel) If you
don't have one, go out and buy one RIGHT NOW!  It is by far my kids
favorite toy, always has been.  We live in a split level house, so we
have 2 half sets of stairs (walled on both sides, carpeted, very safe)
I put one end of the tunnel at the top of the stairs, and the other
stretches down into the den.  When Buddha ran into the top end, I
'twisted' the tunnel so he slid down the tube on his back.  He LOVED it!
A few minutes later, I saw another ferret do it, all by himself.  And
another.  One after another, they would slide down the freeway, sometimes
bunching up at the bottom (like the traffic generally does in Vegas.)
Every time one thought up a new technique, the rest learned it almost
instantly.  Even my (ex)feral kitten Cricket joined in the circus,
running from end to end and pouncing on emerging ferrets.  We played
for almost TWO hours!  I accomplished nothing else the rest of the
afternoon... but it was definitely time well spent!
COMING SOON!  24 Carat Ferret and will be holding
an Adopt-a-thon.  All these babies are guaranteed not to poop on your
floor or steal your socks...and you don't even have to feed them, they're
already stuffed!  Ever wanted a koala bear?  How about a moose?  Maybe
just one more ferret to steal your heart?  Watch for details Nov. 2nd.
All proceeds benefit 24 Carat Ferret and several very patient vets!
That's enough outta me.
Julie & the Meandering Mustelids
The holidays are coming- shop early and often!
[Posted in FML issue 3951]