Hello everyone.... boy what a busy week!  Ok... First let me start off
with last night...
During dinner (of course) we get a call from a lady who doesn't want her
x's ferrets.  There are 4 of them and she thinks that they shouldn't be
pets because they are too much trouble and because they have too many
medical problems.  One has hair loss but it is not adrenal (she said).
So we race over there and find a HORRIBLE GROSS YUCKY STINKY cage and
house (moth balls everywhere).  3 kids, about 15 dogs and I think about
3 cats.... yep all animals inside an old single-wide trailer.  Too small
for everyone.
We have her sign the paperwork and get the names of the ferrets.  Daisy,
Dude, Dakota and Nibbles.  Nibbles is the only girl.  Yeah, I know...
Daisy is a sissy name for a boy!
Well, they all stink, coats are HORRIBLE and nails haven't been cut
in...well forever!  She tells me they are between 1 year and 3 years old
(yeah right).  She also said they have their shots and she will call the
vet to turn over medical paperwork.  One of the ferrets is on some
medication for something but she isn't too sure what for!!!
We get them home...take some pictures.  Then clean them up, baths and
nail trimmings.  Will do ears the next night.
They are all wonderful little ones.  Nibbles nips a little but she is
also real scared when you pick her up.  Playing with her on the ground
she just bounces around everywhere.  All have some hair loss.  Might just
be due to where they were living and the food.
I have pictures of them - if you want to see them just send me an email.
Hoping to put some up on our site in the next week.  Til then I can email
them to you.
So, after letting them play for several hours we finally had to put them
to bed (All but Dezil, he was already sleeping in my bed!)
They have been running around today having a good time.  Doing ok with
the other shelter ones (Butterscotch, Coco, Sammy and Buster).  Nibbles
is the meanest one because she was the only female and it shows.
Well....then today I ran into someone at the pet store and I helped
educate him a little on ferrets and stuff.  Recommended the ferrets for
Dummies and explained about the ferrets.  I gave him our card and he went
to the house to look at Sammy.  Said he would let Shawn know by Friday if
he wanted him or not.  Real nice guy and he asked a lot of questions...
which I think is great!  Oh...while I was at the pet store one of the
employees tells me that a guy had just come in with a ferret he found in
Tombstone - came up to his house.  She is taking him home and hoping that
her husband will let her keep him.  If not she has my number.  Good
looking ferret, healthy looking.
Well, then Shawn calls me a little later (I am at work by the way) and
asks where the surrender forms are.  A lady called and she has a ferret
she doesn't want.  It was her sons but he got bored with it.  She pretty
much just dumped him in Shawns hands and took off.  No paperwork signed.
Then tomorrow Shawn is driving to Tucson to pick up 3 ferrets from a lady
in the Phoenix area.
They are all starting to come in!  We adopted out 4.... and got in 8.
The shelter - as of tomorrow - will be up to 11.  Not bad I know..but for
us that is FULL.  Hoping that is it for awhile.  All are older so will be
harder to place.
Butterscotch, Coco and Drake for sure all have adrenal.
That is all for right now.  Just thought I would update everyone.  I will
have a picture of the newest one (Rocky) tomorrow.  Then the other 3 from
Phoenix either Friday or sometime next week.
Keep your fingers crossed.  Though I do have to say that I am happy.  I
am happy because these little ones weren't dumped on the side of the road
like all of the other animals.  I am happy that they are with us because
no matter what, we will love them and take care of them.
Joanne Ruffner
Ferret Corner Shelter
Paypal:  [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3951]