[Moderator's note: My personal (non-moderator) opinion: the best ferret
deodorizer is none at all.  I hate the artificial smells like perfumes
and cosmetics and much prefer the smell of ferrets!  I'm sure the ferrets
share my opinion ;-)  BIG]
       {this is not directed to BIG, but to all readers}
When I posted my opinions about different products, I was neither
condemning nor advocating their use.  I've tried various ones through
the years for various reasons so I do have experience with what can be
aggravating and what is not effective.  Someone asked what deoderizers
are effective for cleaning as well as on the ferret.  I should perhaps
have posted the most conservative and practical approach in controlling
pet odors and allergies rather than opinions on how effective various
products are out there.  However, you must remember that was not the
question so I answered it matter of factly.
I do regret that I did not preface my answer with impressing upon the
reader that cleanliness takes care of most odors and allergens that may
seem offensive to some.  Constantly scooping, constantly cleaning up
accidents, laundering bedding regularly, vacumming, carpet shampooing and
steaming, dusting, and occasional baths (as well as wiping down with wet
cloths in between baths whether you use Allerpet or not), etc., do take
care of most odors.  But some people want more for various reasons or
occasions.  That is their liking.  It doesn't mean that the ferret is
"not the right pet for them" just because they don't like strong smells,
have situation arise, or an occasion coming up.
Do I advocate daily use of "perfumes, or conditioning deoderizers"?  No.
NO way.  But I was answering as to which products were effective or not
for when one does want to use them because that was the question.  I
don't ever, if you notice, post criticisms on how people do their
"ferreting" either way.
One must realize many people are in apartments, duplexes, etc and they
must be very mindful of aroma so that the already prejudiced people out
there don't have any more ammo (they have to be careful of evicitions,
and ultimatums, etc,).  Ferret owners must realize many others out there
do NOT like the smell of ferrets as they do have a strong aroma, and so
therefore when these people visit a home some ferret owners may want to
take care of some of the odor in the home or on the ferret.  People that
take ferrets out in public might want to go that extra mile also so
people are not offended.  I'm not saying this is right or wrong.  And I
don't think anyone else should either.  I'm just saying keep an open
mind, and those people who choose to go that extra mile do have their
points as well as many of you who don't want to use products do. :)
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3925]