Dear list readers - please indulge me this one time
The saying of goodbye is always hard - today for me it was the hardest.
Today I lost a friend, a rescuer, a mentor and family - all in one.
Sadly, I report that my dear ferret friend Jeanne Stadtmiller, and friend
to many of the ferret community, crossed from this life in the very early
AM hours.  I did not get to say a final farewell- but feel confident she
Our initial meeting was not planned in 1995 - it was happenstance.  She
traveled to NH with Mary to pick up a group of ferrets which originated
in NY - and were found in horrendous conditions ( while still illegal) in
MA.  Ferret Wise happened to be on her return route, so she stopped in.
It was the beginning of a solid friendship and more.  One can never know
where a chance meeting will take them.  For us at Ferret Wise is was a
wonderful event.
My friend Jeanne was a shy and quiet gal- she was not vocal yet she was
enterprising, supportive and very creative.  That helped me immensely in
establishing a method and continuing to grow along with our shelter &
education projects.  She also linked us to the outside ferret community -
first through LIFE ( now defunct) and then into the ferret show circuit
so we could raise funds to keep the vets paid and the ferret food
stocked.  I can thank Jeanne for every member of the ferret community I
met - she pointed us, guided us in the right directions to ensure a
successful career for the shelter.  I do not know anyone who helped
bolster our rescues as much as she did - though she never would accept
the praise or credit!
Jeanne worked hard in her NY community educating, leading a club,
founding an angel fund to care for abandoned sick ferrets- she touched
many many ferrets in her years and many caretakers and rescuers too.  No
doubt through those contacts and the great RIPPLE effect she birthed and
nurtured many ferret friendly homes,shelters and rescues.
Today we have lost the ferret friend and angel Jeanne - I was never
unsure why she had such an attraction to collectible angels - I can see
clearly now , it was because she WAS, and IS an angel.
I can only imagine the herd of ferrets which ran for the bridge when she
took those first steps, LIFE Supreme Grand Champion Princess Tiffany,
Spotlight, Smokey , Chalkdust, Charlie Brown and so many more I dare not
attempt to name them all.  They all now have her back at home, while a
few us left behind are wondering how we will get by without her physical
presence, her evasive grin and bubbling personality.  I am proud to say I
knew Jeanne S, and those family and friends close to her.  I thank them
for sharing her with myself, with the shelter Ferret Wise and with the
ferrets in general.  She was truly a blessing, and a wonderful gift that
I assume we will better understand in future days.
Thanks Jeanne for your talents and your time.  I will personally and
professionally try to live up to all you taught me about ferrets, life
and love.  I know in my heart we will meet again - that knowledge I will
hold tightly on to.
Walk now free of pain with the other great angels.
Alicia Drakiotes
a friend first and rescuer second.
[Moderator's note: Jeanne was also a contributor to the FML and her voice
will be missed.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3949]