Well, it's been a really busy couple of weeks!  My urn and ashes arrived
last Monday to mommie's and grandma came home too!  She's doing great
although she's bedridden and not eating too well.  Grandma enjoyed a
visit to her bedside by Jackson and Mandrake as well.
Over the last week, the shelter took in Moyra from the Bellville area,
Geordie and Angel.  All three ferrets are very beautiful and under 1 1/2
years old.  We're expecting a few more this week as well.
The shelter volunteers did a great job at last weekend's pet show at the
CNE.  Auntie Paige was VERY bad though.  There's a clown (literally) who
has been following mommie around all the pet shows (she hides when she
sees him coming!).  Since grandma is home, mommie couldn't go to the pet
show so auntie Paige tolds the clown that mommie said hi and he gave
auntie Paige his number to give to mommie!!!!!  BAD auntie Paige!  Don't
worry, mommie's REAL good at paybacks :)
We had a visitor come from Scotland last week.  His name is Stewart and
he really liked the kids at the shelter.  Angel who is a normally sweet
and docile ferret just had a ball terrorizing and chasing uncle Stewart.
Next week, our dear friend, auntie Jill will be arriving from CA Land for
a short visit.  mommie's really excited to have her coming up!
Well, all for now! Much love, Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society
"For The Love of Our Fuzzy Friends"
Donate to our shelter on-line
[Posted in FML issue 3948]