Ferret Wise Vet acct recieved a $20.00 donation this week from the folks
at SOS.
Whomever was so very kind we say humbly thank you!  We do have a few kids
stacked for surgeries with Dr Winnie.  Our boy Skipper and his emergency
surgery with Dr George kind of drained the pot this week following
surgeries on the breeder/lab ferrets 3 weeks ago.  Skipper needed it he
was almost unrevivable form a low sugar crash - I could not wait without
fear of losing him.  BUT I am happy to report after his extensive surgery
for a huge left adrenal and partial pancreatectomy Sipper is much
brighter this AM- he sipped water at 8:30 PM again at 10Pm and lunged for
a single cheerio after having some gruel.  I am sure he is on the road to
We did just bring some food up and should be set for the next 3-4 weeks
there!  The job of sheltering is a challenging one and we are all so
grateful for those acts of kindness form the ferret community.
From the fur kids and their keepers Bless you!
[Posted in FML issue 3925]