>My ferret Kayla is the one with the mast cell tumors.  We have her on
>prednisolone, 1/4 tablet every day for 3 days and then every other day.
>The vet had said that keeping her on prednisolone for a prolonged period
>of time may lead to adrenal gland disease.  Is this true?
Dear C:
Low dose prednisolone, as your ferret is on, will not result in any
adrenal suppression.  Adrenal disease refers to estrogen secretion
by lesions on the adrenal cortex, and this is not caused by steroid
However, prednisolone administration has not been shown to have any
effect on mast cell tumors.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, DVM
[Quick Sukie note: the vet who isn't used to ferrets may have confused
the hyperestrogenic adrenal growths ferrets get with other growth forms
which are seen in other critters, and that could lead to steroid concern
for one type,]
[Posted in FML issue 3944]