>Today the biopsy results came in and it said that my baby girl has skin
>cancer.  The lesions she had were cancerous mass cell tumors.
Mast cell tumors are very common in ferrets and are almost always a
benign mass in this species.  In other species, especially dogs, they
are very aggressive, nasty tumors, and your vet may be thinking of their
behavior in dogs rather than in ferrets.  I would think twice, then think
again, before even considering chemotherapy of any kind for mast cell
tumors in ferrets.  Usually removal is completely curative, and I have
known many ferrets whose owners opted to not have them removed who did
fine with the exception of a scabbed and sometimes itchy mass.
Dr. Ruth
Save lives - spay or neuter your pet.
[Sukie note: This is a source of confusion on and off for vets who
aren't used to ferrets.  Ferrets have been put on inappropriate meds and
sometimes destroyed by well meaning vets who just did not know better.]
[Posted in FML issue 3944]