Hi everyone,
I just want to share some funny little mannerisms my deaf girl Lola has,
and am wondering if anyone else's fuzzies do the same things.  I don't
know if they're just funny ferret things, deaf things (neither of my
other ferrets do them), or just Lola things.  For one thing, she does
something I call the nose nudge.  When I'm playing with her or she's
feeling extra cuddly she'll press her little pink nose against my hands
and arms-- never anywhere else.  I can't tell if she's really sniffing or
just nosing.  It's like she's drawing dots on me with her nose.  Also,
she'll nibble on me the way she nibbles herself when she has an itch--
not biting, but sort of chattering her teeth against me.  Anyone else's
ferrets do this?  Any idea why?
Lola also has the cutest way of giving kisses (This isn't really a quirk,
but just extra cute)-- she sticks out just the very tip of her teeny tiny
tongue and gives tiny little kisses on a nose or a cheek or an eyelid.
This is in contrast to Sebastian, who will lick your face like a little
dog, and Pukka, who has been known to do a lick-lick-chomp on my lip!
Lola's a shelter baby (well, they all are) and didn't even have a name
for the first year of her life-- she was a bit shy when I first got her
and didn't ever give kisses for the first couple months.  Now she is a
little smoocher.
OK, I know this is getting long and sickeningly cute so I'll wrap it up.
Love to everyone and everyfert.
Rachel, Lola, Sebastian, and Pukka
"Go ahead, call the cops
You don't meet nice girls in coffee shops"
                      -- Tom Waits
[Posted in FML issue 3944]