Hi all!  If you enjoyed the last email, wait til you read this one.
We bought a ferret "condo" the other day.  This eliminated the need for
2 cages, and allowed all the fuzzbutts to have a HUGE apartment, if you
will.  They love it!  And, uhm.....so does the kitten.  Yes folks, it is
true.  The ferrets have "converted" my kitten.  She no longer thinks she
is a cat.  She thinks she is a ferret.  I let the fuzzies out of the cage
the other day - and they all danced over to the kitten.  Bouncie,
bouncie, hoppity hop......the kitten takes one look at them.... and......
yep.  Bouncie, bouncie, hippity hop.  She is now displaying ALL the
characteristics of the ferrets.  She no longer walks.  She bounces.  If
that wasn't scary enough, she also makes "kitty dookie" sounds.  Forget
the meows.  They are a part of her past.  Her ferretity mommy, (Helena) -
is teaching her all the tricks of the trade.  I caught them both, trying
to make off with my cell phone.  One ferret, one kitten, dragging cell
phone off to "Ferret Nether Land".  The kitten (Jasmine) has also decided
that she no longer needs kitten food.  Ferret food is just fine.  So are
ferret treats.  So is anything that the ferts eat, and that is inclusive
of RAISINS!!  She loves the tube paste - strawberry vanilla, and thinks
ferritone is the "cat's meow".  Anyone have a cat that has gone through
a "loss of identity" before?  HELP!!  Hehehe.  When it is time to go to
bed, the kitten readily runs to the cage with the ferts, and clambers
in with them.  And is not "thwarted" by our attempts to "remove" her.
Actually, she will cry hysterically, if we don't allow her to be with her
mommy......This is scary.  She has picked her own "hammie" to sleep in,
and yes, it is the one with her "mommy".  They curl up together and
snuggle and sleep.  This makes life a bit difficult as we then have to
leave the "front door" open, so she can leave.  Yeah, as if.......so
now....what do I do when she is too BIG to get in the cage with them?
Should I take her to a kitty counselor?  *Wink*.  We have SOOO much fun
here......can't wait to see what happens next!
[Posted in FML issue 3944]