Hello everyone yet again (and some gibberish from a very talkative
Binky).  Again, I just want to thank everyone who has helped me with some
of the questions I've had regarding my first fuzzie baby.  To let ya'll
know, he's gotten more outgoing and talkative.  So much more outgoing, in
fact, that I'm beginning to think I should have named him Kamikaze for
him love to jump from things.  He is, however, still giving me grief
about the biting.  I've tried quite a few things, haven't slacked when
it's come to letting him know that biting isn't ok, but it's still pretty
bad, and in all honesty seems to be getting worse.  He's biting a bit
harder now, enough to be painful.  Is there a sure-fire way to get him to
stop, or at least tone it down some?
Another thing - I thought ferrets liked water!  Bink tries to put holes
in me by climbing up my arm to get away from the bath.  Will he get used
to it?
I was also wondering is someone can give me a vet reccommendation for the
Spotsylvania,Virginia (Basically Central VA) area.  I know of one vet who
will work with ferrets, but I'd rather go from what someone else knows of
What is Ferretone?  I keep seeing it mentioned in here, so I'm curious
about what it is, what you're supposed to do with it, etc.
Last one!  Can anyone tell me what the best harness and leash set brand
is?  I have one, and he hates it.  No matter how I size it, he manages to
squrim right out.  I'd like to take him outside, but it's not looking at
if I can judging by his reaction to it thus far.
I appreciate you help everyone:-)
Thank you again!
Meghan and Binky
[Posted in FML issue 3944]