Kokie was caught harassing Noodles this morning and she wasn't too happy
about it.
Noodles was dozing off in her little corner underneath my bed, and Kokie
thought it would be fun if he snuck up on her and pounced on her...bad
mistake.  The kit runs underneath the bed, I hear a screech, Kokie comes
tearing out from under the bed, and Noodles comes chasing after him with
her mouth wide open (reminded me of a lizard) Screaming at the top of her
lungs...guess she taught HIM a lesson.
Kokie and Noodles have their vet appointment today.  Im going to ask if
she can give Noodles a Lupron shot, and see if maybe that'll "reset" her
hormones...as long as it isn't like $300 for the shot :( I'm hoping it's
a decent price.  Kokie will be getting his booster shots..Right now he's
bull dozing into Rosie and they're playing in the tunnels.
Thank you to everyone that sent get well wishes for my surgery, it went
better than expected according to the surgeon.  At least now I get to set
off the metal detectors at the air ports haha!  (titanium...i think..)
It's just wierd having stitches on the inside of my ear...
Mom cleaned out from underneath her bed again...Buckie had quite a
stash...bars of soap, bottles, toothbrushes, dog biscuits, tent stakes,
and just about everything else in the house that was plastic.
Mojo turned 4 this month...she's turning into an old lady with an
well that's the update :)
hope everyone has a fuzzy filled fun week!
-valerie, mojo, buckie, noodles, kokie, and rosie
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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[Posted in FML issue 3943]