Flea treatments?  About 2 years ago, when I was approached by someone who
offered me a "white ferret that has to have a new home or else she will
be put to sleep", I was confronted with a tiny REW who had moving black
dots in her coat, NO WAY could I see this little sprite being killed to
suit the convenience of those who had neglected her hygene so much.
I put her in the car and called the vet and asked for a recommendation
for dealing with this severe infestation.  He dispensed some Hexocil
shampoo, which he normally recommends for use in this situation with
kittens.  I had never seen so many fleas on one creature, and up to then
that had been mainly dogs or cats, this poor little waif was alive with
3 shampoos later and a good roll in a towel, and I have never seen
another flea on her.  We named this chatty, happy little explorer Skweek,
and the rest is history...
For prevention, my vet recommends Frontline, and his prefferred method of
application is to wear surgical gloves.... Spray the Frontline into the
cupped palm and then rub into the coat, covering as much of the
squirmy-wormy-weezil as possible.
He was VERY clear in his instruction to hold on to the "victim" for a
minute or two after application to allow evaporation, Generally, I try to
bath them every 3-4 months and find just that seems to keep the lodgers
at bay, I have to be careful about who my bunch associate with while they
are out "rambling" due to Rhubarbs predeliction for "fresh flesh".
During winter the risk of fleas for the furkid 3 is much less as we dont
go out as often.
Just my experience.... YMMV.
Our thoughts to those with sick, missing or angelled sock stashers.
Cris (& Unkie Lee - the "reserve hooman")& the Furkid 3
Bubbles   (where is dat recipe for raisin bwandy?)
Skweek    (u steal da bwooing pot - Ill steal da juicy waisins)
Rhubarb   (fresh flesh... and buckets of blood bwahahahaha!)
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[Posted in FML issue 3943]