I have had some very varying experiences with cremation.  I have had
three cremations so far using two different crematories.
1) Recommended through my Massachusetts Vet.  It was probably about 75
   (3 years ago)
2) In August of this year, using my NH vet and a different crematory from
   the last...100
3) Early September of this year.  Using the same as #2 and made the
   arrangements for pick up myself and paid the crematory directly...
This caused me quite a bit of concern.  I spoke with my NH vet right
after number 2, this was a casual conversation (I don't think he realized
I had just picked up ashes in his office).  He stated that he charged $20
extra for freezer use.  I thought okay that's reasonable.  but then I
found out he charged $55 extra and I had to go to his office to pick up
the ashes.
My first loss, Buster, was in 2000.  I kept his ashes in a small sealed
urn.  I was waiting for his lifelong buddy Moose to pass and I planned on
putting them together in a larger urn so they could continue to snuggle
into eternity.  Sadly enough I lost my Rascal before Moose.  I had a
great deal of difficulty getting myself to actually transfer the
ashes...that was just too final.  I finally got the courage.  What an
awful experience.  I opened the containers for Rascal and Moose (2 & 3)
and found a small bag of sandlike material of varying colors.  This was
sad thinking what made the different colors.  Then, I went on to unseal
Buster.  I wish I had never done that...along with the sand like remains
there were clearly definable bones such as a few complete ribs, a clearly
definable hip socket and thigh bone as well as several shards of bones.
This was the most heartbreaking thing to see...
Critter, SusieQ, Tequila, Little Buster, GusGus
Missing with my whole heart:
Buster 6/26/00  My very, very special boyThe great Bustoonie
Rascal 8/3/02 My precious, misunderstood Fattie McRattie
Cheers 8/18/02 My Cheersie mare sending whinnys from heaven
Moose 9/2/02 My beloved Moosie Goosie
[Posted in FML issue 3943]