Hi friends,
It's your ol' Buddy Jerimiah- well seems with all the rain this past
week- things have really started to sprout at the ole shelter.  Our older
kid Skipper had a scary night - Mom had a dickens of a time getting him
to wake up the tother night - she thought he was leaving fast after Fat
Rat- seems she finally got him jump started and he went to see Dr George
on Tuesday AM for insulinoma testing.  While there Dr George scheduled
him for surgery cuz he was only a 60, and SKippy is a 68 and on watch,
the folks will be giving her soup several times a day to boost her BG up.
I think raisins would do fine but that is just ME!
Well Dr George did surgery today on poor big Skipper boy-0 AUnt Judy said
they gave him pain meds and he looks kind of sad- she promised she will
take good care of him.  They found a HUGE adrenal gland and 2 insulinomas
on his pancreas they took it all out and the guy really hurts.
Mom still owes some money for the Skippers operation cuz he came a bit
close after Pancho & Onyx 's surgery and Disney is waiting for her
adrenal surgery too!  So please check out our ebay goodies in case you
could use some new stuff!  That way maybe we can get the vets paid and
still get a treat when Halloween arrives!  Always need those treats you
Man o man now Aunt Judy has 4 of our kids at her house it feels kind of
empty here!  Of course Gravy & Biscuit are happy they get more time out
in the big room for fun & games!
Phew- sometimes I feel downright sad for Mom.  She worries so much over
us kids.  But today I was dancing and jumping so HIGH she was rolling in
the aisle !  I just felt good today - it stopped raining.'
The folks they put more grape paint on the steps & porch before the snow
arrives and Mom said she has more paining to do in a day or two- after
she gets all the sick kids settled in.
They got some light blue paint for the porch ceiling and need to paint
the new porch railings too- Mom would really like to find a flag maker to
make a new shelter flag-- anyone out there have a human friend who makes
flags?  That would be a nice Christmas present for a new pretty ferret
flag to go back on the flag pole- let me know I think Mom would like
GOtta go- it is gettin' late and I want to get everyone ready for night
Your friend
Jerimiah Ferretwise, mascot
Ferret Wise Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3924]