This is part of the Thank-you note "report" to the sweet lady from
The Ferret Mailing List who sent gifts and home-made hammies and
sleep-sacks...she'll get the snail-mail "entire" version, too! :)
 ...Susie Lee-Hurley.
ONLY this Very Morning, (we got the mail in the afternoon) little, frail
Cecelia Cinnamon got one of the Lupron shots for adrenal symptoms she is
showing on top of chronic anemia which she has been bravely battling for
almost a year and a half, since she came into our care.  Her cage-mate
and best friend is Lady CokeLeSweet, an albino who once was a "biter" but
has learned all about our "Only Love" treatment and now no longer bites.
She's forgotten anything ever to do with biting anyone.  After over 19
months with us, she has even forgotten all about biting at her last
rescue-person whom she used to bite before she came to us, and that
person was able, on a visit with us, to hold and cradle Lady CokeLeSweet
in a hug, and be offered only a Kiss from her once-"biter"-ferret.  (part
of that treatment secret is that I would offer Lady CokeLeSweet her "duck
soup" and, at first, her medicines, too, warmed from on the open palm of
my hand, so that she gradually grew to trust the human hand, once again,
as she showed her patent dislike of being scruffed to be given food and
Gusselwaite is growing fur!  It's about half-a-centimeter long (like
four-day-old super-soft beard-fuzz J ) all over his once-hairless self!
He's also roving and bounceing like a young-at-heart 8-year-old kid, more
than an 9-year-old ferret, so there's another Big Plus"score" for both
the Lupron as a "safe" treatment for his adrenal disease symptoms for
his elderly-ferret-self.  And when he's tired and wants to rest, what a
fantastically comfortable snooze he snoozes in his super-soft, and
extra-wide hammie you have made for him!
As for Evander Brown!  THERE is one happy old ferret!  Regal he looks in
his Evander-sized new hammie AND surrounded by three of the other five
ferrets of his "troop" (look like ferret-petals of a gigantic
ferret-"rose", resting prettily all around one another in the
"Super"-hammie!) ((Evander-sized!  J ))
The super-Soft-sleepy-sack I've put into the
"little-old-ladies'"-quarters, so that it's shared by Baby-Doll Babushka,
Simone So-Lovely, and Felicia Ferrette.
Nearby to them, Caira The Winsome and her brother, Shadow Superguy, are
right this minute a-snuggled into their gift-hammies, too.
(isn't it nice being able to call one's fur-beings by their Whole
Thank You, Again!,
Susie Lee-Hurley
(see most of our fur-beings on )
[Posted in FML issue 3922]