There are presently two ferrets in Stamford, CT AC.  One was surrendered
last week because the girls mother said the ferret was trying to kill her
parrot.  He's about a year old, dark ruby eyes but has some strange
coloring.  He's not albino really, more like a very light silver mitt.
Real sweetie if anyone is interested but he's not why I'm writing.
2nd ferret was found wandering around Bruce Park in Greenwich.  They told
me he had a big bump on his head.  Bump isn't the word!  It's a growth or
something behind his ear.  I went to visit him on Saturday.  His appetite
is good and doesn't seem to be in pain or uncomfortable.  This ferret
stayed on my mind all weekend.  Today I took him to a vet recommend by a
friend.  My vet was booked and I was worried about this one.  I didn't
even know what gender he was since I was afraid to flip him over.  Turns
out he's a boy, about 5 y/o.  His lymph nodes are swollen and this growth
isn't fluid.  His person must have let him go rather than pay a vet to
help him.
As insane as this sounds I'm thinking about having the surgery done on
him.  I can't adopt him but I want to help him.  I realize that this guys
days may be numbered but I feel like I can't ignore this.  Someone loved
him once and I don't want the last thing he remembers or feels is that
the world is a terrible place.
I realize that you can't help them all but I feel like it's important to
make a difference where I can.
I don't know if I want advice, support, or what but I feel like I need to
help this guy.  Thank you for listening.  Please keep Mist (Mystery
Ferret) in your prayers.
Connie, Butch, Maggie, and CB (who all go back to the vet themselves this
"I am sometimes asked, "Why do you spend so much of your time and money
talking about kindness to animals when there is so much cruelty to men?
I answer, "I am working at the roots."  George T.  Angell
[Posted in FML issue 3943]