I love to read book catalogues, especially The Common Reader (for
grownups) and Chinaberry (for children).  In Chinaberry, I just found
'The Wainscott Weasel' a chapter book for 6-10 yr olds (or the weasely at
heart :).  The book is said to have 'gorgeous illustrations' and to be
about a community of weasels in a small woods on Long Island.  Its themes
include love, relationships and the hero within us all.
The Wainscott Weasel by Tor Seidler, Illustrated by Fred Marcellino,
Chinaberry 1-800-776-2242 or http://www.chinaberry.com
If you have kids or love kids' books, you should at least ask for a
catalogue!  And remember that absolutely nothing (except love) prepares
your child for learning everything, even math and science, like being
read to as a child.
* * * Reiki Distance Healing * * *
For You and Your Animal Companions
[Posted in FML issue 3942]