Hi all
Halloween is almost here and promises to be very exciting.
A little guy came in named Tenaka.  He waz met by Samson, Niles, Frosty,
Cayene, and Cheynne.  I introduced everyone to make sure everyone knew
everyone.  They were real happy to see him and welcomed him.  Then it waz
time to gossip and talk about da news at home.  They talked for some time
about this and dat.  Then it waz off to explore and see all da sights and
attractions.  After dat they had to stop by da Gravy Gourmet to get a
bite to eat.  Actually it waz more than a bite but who is counting.  I
later saw them over at Dirt Mountain where they were digging in da dirt
for da fun of it.  They said something about china but no one has found
it yet.  But they had bunches of fun looking anyway.  He said he feels
lots better.  He said to send lots of luv and kisses and hugs to his
A little girl named Sneezy came in next.  She waz met by Nosey, Rascal,
and Rosey.  They were happy to see her and greeted her warmly.  They to
had to sit and gossip about home and catch up on all da news and info at
home.  It waz quite a long talk.  Then it waz off to explore and see all
da sights and attractions.  They later headed out to da Tube Park where
were practicing in da tubes for da big races coming up for da holidays.
They said they are going to be a force to be reackoned with in da coming
races.  They had quite a practice session but of course they had to get
some play in also and ended with a game of tag and chase.  She said to
send luv and lots of hugs and cuddles to her mommy.
A little guy named Bandit came in later.  He waz met by Treasure and Rio.
They welcomed him warmly.  They said he had to fill them in on all da
happening at home.  So they sat around to get caught up on all da gossip
and news.  Then they headed out to explore and see all da sights and
attractions.  After they had explored their fill the headed over to da
Otter Slide to do some sliding and splashing.  They did more sliding than
splashing but had to put up with da water to get da sliding in.  They
seemed to have a ball sliding down though only to climb out and run to
slide again.  After they were quite soaked and had enough they headed
over to grab a snack and refuel at da Fruit Bar where they ate a bunches
of rasins.  He said to send luv and kisses and cuddles to his mommy.
A little girl named Kitalinka came in later.  She waz met by Socks, Suzy,
Nibbles, Bailey, Nelly, Jill and Jack.  They were really hapy to see her
and greeted her very warmly.  Then it waz time to sit and talk about home
and gossip for a while.  They talked and talked.  Then it waz off to
explore and see all da sights and attractions.  She said she wanted to
run through da Fields and snorkel in da grass for a while.  So dat is
where they went.  They had a good game of Tag going as well.  They even
invited me to come and play too.  I went over there and I am afraid I am
not as good at it as they are because I waz always it.  Maybe dat is why
I waz invited.  Everyone had a lot of fun playing though.  She said not
to worry as she is doing ok here.  She said to send luv and bunches and
bunches of ferret kisses to her mommy and daddy.
I am off to do some more scouting for da coming raids.  Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3942]