Noodles has her appointment to see the vet on tuesday.  3 months after
surgery and she's only had a few spurts of fur growth...one was on her
tail.  She was itching soo bad before and after surgery that she would
smack her tail around and it was the victim of the metal bars...dry skin,
almost looked like chapped lips.  Put some bag balm on it and it cleared
up in about a week, and fur has grown on her tail.  Right after surgery,
she grew back patches of fur on her back, tummy, etc, but she has lost
all of that.  She only has her "mask" "boots" and a fuzzy tail.  Reminds
me of a lion.  She still has her "pot" belly and she is still aggressive
toward Kokie (the new kit) rosie, and of course mojo...I caught her and
Buckie sleeping in the same hammock this morning (they were on free roam)
I'm thinking Buckie is the resident pimp.  But anyways :) Am I missing
something?  If the vet feels her right gland has grown, or maybe the left
one grew back she will be having another surgery.  I'm not so sure about
having another tennessee panel done.  The first one came back as her
being "normal" and we went ahead and had the surgery...she was nearly
bald and itching like crazy.  (oh by the way, noodles had the surgery
done by a vet in huntsville and she's now going to see the vet in
hartselle)(dont wanna give out names)
Is there anything I should keep an eye out for before I bring her in on
tuesday?  What else should I be looking for?  Her vulva is still "puffed"
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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[Posted in FML issue 3939]