Renee, one thing that adrenal neoplasia is known for is causing fatty
deposits.  On very rare occasion it can even cause fatty deposits in the
thoracic cavity which is not good for lungs or heart.  It is quite common
for such adrenal-related fatty deposits to wind up around nodes or in the
abdomen.  It always pays to check, of course, as you already know, still
this may be useful info to have.  Of course, when in question, pull a
node for biopsy to check for lymphoma, and always remember that systemic
infection will blow up multiple nodes.
Just so folks know, the vets and the consulting specialists are starting
to use the phrase "end stage heart failure" for Sev-wever (Seven of Six)
who is approaching her 4th month of Level 3 A/V Heart Node Block (a very
rare problem in ferrets which can happen in rare susceptible ferret when
insulinoma starts up -- I know of only a handful of individuals), but
how long she has left no one knows.  She is pain-free, tired, but happy.
I just got a call so we're going to trying the Enacard at increased
frequency since she does perk up some with it She is in the process of
slowly dying so the risk factor is in the wash now.  Sevie isn't a
pacemaker candidate for other reasons, having two other serious limiting
problems and being of unknown age somewhere over 5 years.  She could be
anywhere from 5 into her 7th year; looks good enough that she likely is
not as old as 8.  There are 4 categories of A/V Heart Node Block (two of
them in Level 2).  Level 1 usually is just there and the animals live
a normal lifespan though meds may be helpful.  Level 1 can revert of
normal.  Level 2 is worse but should be treated and can revert.  Level 2
Sinus needs meds and will progress at some point to Level 3.  Sometimes
this more problematic form of Level 2 will go back and forth from 2 to 3
for a while as meds are adjusted.  In Level 3 the electrical
communication and timing between chambers has completely failed which is
why it is called "complete" interchangeably with "Level 3".
One thing we have learned -- as has another person (very knowledgeable)
with a different ferret who has a different brochiodilator than we are
using -- is that the bronchiodilators can be given at slightly higher
levels than thought when a ferret worsens, so the consulting
cardiologists know that now to help any later ones who need that info,
and we also learned that Enacard in conjunction with the brochiodilator
(which also improves conductivity which is why it is given) can be useful
if the individual is like Sevie.
Anyway, right now I am trying to not be upset, so if I seem shut off a
bit emotionally right now I have to do that right now to best serve her
needs.  Okay?  I had to learn to do that when i was caring for my mother
in her last year and sometimes it just is essential to put oneself in the
background, but it's not something to worry about because I DO know that
i am actively suppressing emotions -- so am not at the emotional risk
that happens when people don't realize that -- and that I need to right
now.  When she passes I can imagine her playing with great big
"ferret-mousies" (large ferret stuffed toys) and have a cry; I'll also
imagine her piddling less because she doesn't like all the diuretic
piddling.  Meanwhile, we will try balancing meds and see if we can get
her some more happy time.
Wobble walk: check the blood glucose and have a general vet check with a
CBC with chemistry panel.  Weak hind end and wobble walk are general
symptoms which are brought on by many things, but insulinoma is the most
common one.  Yes, they can get arthritis and you'll find discussions of
this in the Ferret Health List (FHL) and its archives:
You can scratch the displasia idea; they normally have loose joints.
[Posted in FML issue 3939]