>Females sleep less, seem more alert, like to steal more, play
>dexterously, run, dance, not play by the "rules" with other ferrets
>(like biting butts instead of scruffs lol), move more deliberately, and
>hit that pan more than boys.
YES!  Oh wait a minute, Da Wolfy said GIRL....No, no, no...Boys are like
My girl was so bad with the pan but I rescued her later and my Handsome
Boy is great with the pan...ok, he's pretty darn good though.  My girl
was free roam....My Boy will never be left out when I am not at home!  My
girl liked to take toys under the sofa and sometimes even leave poopy
presents, my Boy likes to tunnel THROUGH the sofa but no poop.  My girl
was always very busy and I got a quick kiss and she was off, my Boy gives
good kisses and still plays wif me!  My girl liked to go out but I had to
carry her.  She did not like to be on a leash or on the ground.  My Boy
loves our walkies and gets excited when I jingle his harness.  He walks
better on a leash then most dogs I've had!  My girl would sleep with me
at night, the Boy never sleeps, I swear he smells me coming near and is
up and ready for play!
Great discussion cause there is no answer to it.  We LOVE boys and
girls....well furkids that is...
A word from the Handsome Boy...."Awwww My Bud Doodlebug always knows the
right answer!...yes we love da Girly's most....hehehehehe!" Da Handsome
ps.....Pong did wear a dress.....rofl!  and...there's pictures too!  Now
who is laughing cause I play wif a purse EH Pong????
Lynda and Toby
[Posted in FML issue 3939]