Hello.  I have to send condolences to anyone who has lost a fuzzy kid in
the last few months, and also to friends and family of Christopher
Bennett.  I lost about a month's worth of FMLs (I was REALLY behind) when
Outlook ate one of my folders...
I was responding to April Gallaty's post about scritching ferrets at
their necks.  Mine don't poof, but they do all stand on the tip-toes of
all four feet, arch their backs and sort of "press" against the
scritching hand.  Sometimes it makes them nutty.  I haven't decided if it
bothers them or if they like it-if it bugged them so much, wouldn't they
move away?  Hmmm...
-April Armstrong Campbell
"There's nary an animal alive that can outrun a greased Scotsman."
-Groundskeeper Willy, "The Simpsons"
[Posted in FML issue 3924]