Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Bob, I have long stated that I think (have observed) that groups
>(business's) of ferrets have pecking orders and act much like packs
>of wolves do.
Great question, Wolfy.  Now that I have a large group (fourteen, soon to
be 17) I find myself quite interested in their "group dynamics" also :)
I would be quite interested if Bob would take a shot at this one...
In the best of times, I hold in my mind the need to care for things
beyond the self: poetry, humanity, grace.  In other times, when it seems
difficult merely to survive and be happy about it, the condition of my
thought tastes as simple as this: let me be a good animal today.
-Barbara Kingsolver, "High Tide in Tucson"
[Posted in FML issue 3938]