>as many of you know...i have medical and emotional problems...i WAS
>interested in what i read...so i had a treatment...a long distance
>treatement...she being in PA...me in Ohio...
>i did not know what to expect...but as i laid there...i FELT things...i
>do not want to tell the details as i suspect it is a personal reaction
>and not the same for all...and for any who want to try it..i do not want
>you to have "pre-conceived" ideas...
Hi Kat ~
Yes I had to study Reiki for my N.D. (Dr. of Naturopathy degree), and it
is phenominal.  It is often used at the end of our massages to sort of
"finish things up." It is called different things in different languages.
Summa py (sp) is another version used in oriental medicine.  For those
who do not know, it is an opening and a cleaning out of the 7 chakaras
(or spiritual gateways).  It is thought that they can get clogged as the
acupuncture meridians can get clogged, and by unclogging these channels
blood flows better.  In Reiki as you unclog the chakaras spiritual energy
or "chi" flows better.  I'm so glad it helped you, and yes it can be done
long distance.
Now, I have some good news.  I was talking to my vet's office and I
offered to get any ferret textbook he recommended if he would tutor me
in ferret-med 101.  I would come prepared having read up whatever he
assigns.  He's going to do it!!!!!  So anytime a ferret comes in, up I'm
gonna go to learn the "case." (He's only in the block across the street
from the farm).  I'll prep by reading a chapter every few days or so.  So
we'll see how this goes, but I am excited.
Warmly ~
The Conley Farm - organic herbs
Online Classes ~ [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3910]