Ok at the risk of upestting Ms. "Annoyed".........
>People join this email group to ask medical questions and get advice
>about legalization about adopting ferrets, etc...
Excuse me but can you understand why I find that statement a little
arrogant?  I have little interest in the adoption notices, Being in the
UK, I cant help.  If I want "pure" medical imfo I would subscribe to a
"medical group", YOU can have NO idea WHY I subscribed to this group,
in the same way I have no idea why others are here.  You are Clearly
unqualified to make such broad statements.  FYI, I am here because I LIKE
the character of the list, well, apart from some of the flame wars which
sadly are part of life.  I feel Bill does a great job and gets the mix
about right, and has a great sense of timing about stopping a particular
thread before it gets out of hand without overdoing the "big brother"
Quite a lot of stuff posted to the list does not apply to me, But I
have discovered a wonderful device to help with this "information
overload"...The answer is to scroll past what is of no interest to you.
Many of the posts here are For U.S. fuzzie parents, or perhaps would
you suggest that those of us outside the US unsubscribe?  Remember - We
are all individuals, one mans meat...... If your computer is slow on
scrolling you really need to get it checked asthat usually indicates a
fault or a virus, or else you are plain running too much "in the
>I just wish people would stick to the purpose of this forum and not take
>up so much space with all their strange beliefs about the rainbow bridge
>and so forth.
Can we then assume from your comments that you are an athiest who would
take issue with any member of the clergy who mentions the after-life in
your presence?  No, I am not a religious person, but from my
understanding of the Bible and its teachings, ALL creatures are assured
of a place in heaven, and the Rainbow Bridge thing is based around that:
You have a problem with the whole Rainbow Bridge thing, does that mean
you doubt an afterlife?  or is it that you believe that "heaven" only
exists for humans?  really... I am curious about your "strange beliefs".
I am often amazed at the amount of knowledge that "Sandee" displays about
the "family" of the one that has crossed over the bridge (I make NO
apology for addressing it in those terms)  Just unwind a little cant you?
I like the list as it is, its a family, we come to know each other
furkids by the posts, and I think we all share the sense of loss when
they passover the bridge.
>I think some of you go too far on here.  I am sorry if that offends you,
>but it's how I feel and it's also true.
How YOU feel isnt neccessarily the truth, again you are taking it upon
yourself to assume a lot.  Thankfully we dont all share the same
viewpoint thats why life is so interesting.
>so many people are posting endless things that have little to do with
>the purpose of this group.
I fail to see much in the wat of O/t stuff, and then it is usually marked
as such, again you need to work out the aims of this group, you seem to
have misunderstood somewhere.
Personally if this list became a cold clinical litany of ferret illnesses
I would unsubscribe immediately.  I have found the knowledge I need right
here, amongst that which you seek to deride.
OK Now the IMPORTANT stuff.  Bubbles my 3 yr old Polecat, Alpha to Skweek
and Rhubarb and former bestest friend to Custard is booked for Adrenal
Surgery next Wednesday, Please think "happy thoughts" for my big handsome
guy, I am a little scared about it, The surgeon is performing his first
adrenalectomy, he never had the oppertunity before, he has spayed ferrets
so he is not completely in the dark.  David has just joined the
partnership as the senior guy is taking an accelerated semi retirement
following a nasty incident in his life recently So David will have some
"back up" if he needs it, also the Junior vet is hoping to be able to
observe.  Now heres a point.....
Soon after the loss of Custard, I have now to face Adrenal surgery on my
first adopted boy, I am scared, my vet warns me that there is a mortality
rate of around 10% with anasthesia, I know I can count on this list to be
a source of strength for me if anything goes wrong.BUT.....
I only knew the symptoms of Adrenal BECAUSE OF THIS LIST, I educated my
vet about the symptoms of the onset of Adrenal problems with knowledge I
only have BECAUSE OF THIS LIST, I aquainted my vet with some "excellent"
(his word) on line resources from which he can learn about my pets / his
Isnt it strange that I have learned so much from that which "Annoyed"
seems to find largely irrelevant and "childish"?
I Guess we are all wrong to sign our mails from us and the "furkidz" as
well.  Oh well... looks like I will just have to annoy someone.
Cris Page (& Unkie Lee) and the furkid 3
Bubbles (aka Warweezil). Skweek (aka Skweekyweezil)
Rhubarb (aka Biteyweezil)  And remembering...........
Custard (aka Cussie(angel)weezil) - Wardancing at the Rainbow Bridge
Best regards,
Cris                          mailto:[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3907]