Hola FML'rs,
A few things here.  First is a letter I received from a boarding client
of mine.  Thought this might be of particular interest to Ingrid.  ( Take
this back to your pooflinger board)  In reference to this same client I
wanted to tell you all a story about one of these ferrets.  This is the
second year I've ferret sat for these folks.  Last year both the ferrets
adjusted fine to mom and dad being gone for a week.  Not so this year.
Triscuit was her usual self, but Biscuit sank into a very deep
depression.  After dropping them off, I held Biscuit with his paw in my
hand and had him wave goodbye to Jack & Angie from the door.  At the time
thinking it cute, later I thought, Good God, I might have gotten the
little guy depressed!!!) All day, Biscuit ran to the door and jumped on
the couch peering out through the blinds, just like a dog would!!!  It
was absolutely heartbreaking.  (yes, they had free roam of my downstairs.
They free roam their own home and are the most well behaved free roam
ferrets I've ever seen in my life) After a day of this he laid in his
carrier eating very little and drinking very little also.  I was really
worried about him.  He laid in my arms for hours.  I told him over and
over that mommy and daddy were coming home to no avail.  All he ate were
cheerios and treats.  Yeah, he had me wrapped real tight!!  We spent
nights on the couch together.  He would get up to go potty and jump right
back up next to my head.  I've never seen a ferret act like this ever.
Being the fat lil bugger he is, it was hard to tell but I thought I felt
a fatty lump under his arm, hence the vet trip.  It turned out to be
nothing but a fatty tumor but all week I had to force liquids in him
until his people came home.  Angie reported that it took him a few days
before he was himself again and realized that his people were coming
home.  What a testimony to our friend the ferret and what smart, loving
and dedicated companions they are.
Kim Fox at SUMS
Hi Kim,
We would like to thank you again for sitting our ferrets while we were
away .  There can be noone other then yourself who is more caring and
concern for the the well being of another person's ferret,you kept us
updated everyday on our Bisciut ( sorry he put you through a SPOILED-
BRAT-FERRET-FIT !  ),and thanks again for taking a day off from work to
take him to the vet .  We would'nt trust anyone else to ever ferret sit
for us and again thank you for the advice and all the usefull information
you have given us in the past.
Thank You Again ,
Jack and Angie Light Balto,County,Dundalk
[Posted in FML issue 3907]