a couple of things spring to my mind...
>From:    Jadesun <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Silly Annoyed Girl......
>Rainbow Bridge, is a place we all believe our beloved pets go to wait
>for us and join them in eternity.
I appreciated much of the rest of Benita's post, but we don't all believe
in the Rainbow Bridge.  Personally it does not suit my beliefs.  I have
no problem with Rainbow Bridge and Sandee stuff being on the FML, and
just as I respect your differences, please be mindful of others'
differences as well.  That's what makes a community work.
Moving on to the issue in general, I thought that Annonymous poster [SH]
at the end of yesterday's FML made some very good points.  I also think
implying that the original poster isn't taking proper care of her ferret
because of her different beliefs is really striking a low blow.  While I
do use the term kids for my ferrets, I don't literally think of them as
my children, and I defy anybody to tell me I don't take excellent care
of my weasels.  I do think of them as incredibly special little beings
that I treasure having in my life, but to me there's not much difference
between calling myself their "owner" and their "mother", both imply a
sort of possession that I'm not comfortable with (I like caretaker, or
just plain "I live with ferrets").  But other people mean different
things by those words, and I can accept that.
People can have different ways of talking about the same things, but just
because they are different it doesn't mean the love isn't there.  There
are things that people mention having done or said on this list that I
think are wierd or sketchy, but I don't doubt that they love their
ferrets and do their best to take care of them, and I try to refrain
from passing any sort of judgement, though I might offer a different
perspective.  I think a collective pause for a deep breath and a moment
to imagine life in somebody else's shoes is in order for the list--
Wolfy's post about the rose people is a very good place to start.
and Pan and Seti, blissfully snoozing under the bed :)
Regina Harrison  [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
blog: http://www.channel1.com/users/regina/zblog.html
Is that my business?  Well, what is my business?  Do I know?  Did I ever
know?  Let s not go into that.  You re not human tonight, Marlowe.  Maybe
I never was or ever will be... Maybe we all get like this in the cold
half-lit world where always the wrong thing happens and never the right.
--Raymond Chandler, The Little Sister
[Posted in FML issue 3906]