I feel I am a very good judge of character and when I trust my intuition
I am never wrong.  I have known Kim Fox for quite some time now and I am
here to give testimony to her outstanding care and love of ferrets.  I
have met several special people on the FML over the years that I consider
friends and I am very selective when it comes to what I consider a
friend.  I would trust this woman with my ferrets and my human son as
well.  There is nothing in this world that could or would make me believe
she was ever neglective to anyones ferrets nor cruel in any shape way or
form.  She has a heart of gold and I just wanted to post this to let
everyone know how I personally feel about her.  Kimmy-Kimmy, Rusty sends
his dooks and kisses your way.
[Posted in FML issue 3906]