Dear Silly Girl,
I do not know about other people on this list, but feel you are on the
wrong list and should go to the health list for ferrets.
As for putting ferrets above children, well I do not have children, by
choice, because, plain and simple, I do not really care for children
especially as I see how they are today.  Yes I would make an excellent
mother, but prefer to have animals because they give unconditional love
and I just love animals, all animals, all life.  I have had all kinds of
"pets" (children) during my life including a pet mouse that lived to be 3
years old and I cried when he died, because it was a life, a living
thing, gone from my life!  I have many animals and ferrets have truly
stolen my heart over all of them for reason!  They work their way into
your soul, I swear.  To lose one, especially that one special one, would
be like you losing your child to me!
Sorry Silly Girl, but difference in people is what makes the world go
round !  So glad we are not all alike.
Eleanor Mead
[Posted in FML issue 3905]